New resources added to The College of Business, Hospitality & Tourism Studies collection.
Miller’s Annotated Trade Practices Act 2010
Author: Russell V Miller Description: or over 30 years, professionals have relied on Miller's Annotated Trade Practices Act for the full text of the updated Act and for Russell V Miller's expert Location- Nasinu [1 copy] OPAC Link: Click Her...Read More
Tax Rates and Tables: 2014
Author: Jane Tu Description: Fast, easy access to essential tax rates information with concise explanations – current to 20 June 2014. It is the single leading volume reference guide that combines comprehensive coverage of Australian tax rates w...Read More
Cooper & Evans on CGT
Author: Gordon S. Cooper, Chris Evans, Kirk Andrew Wilson Description: It follows on the form Gordon Cooper's previous definitive works on the topic. This book will be invaluable for all professional advisers and for students at both the graduate ...Read More
An Introduction to International Relations: Australian Perspectives
Editors: Richard Devetak, Anthony Burke and Jim George Description: Designed for undergraduate students this textbook brings together leading Australian scholars to present lively introductory analyses of the theories, actors, issues, institutions...Read More
Australian Tax 2011
Author: Paul Kenny Description: Offers the simplest possible explanation of Australia’s tax law by using the tax pyramid method. This modern step by step process helps to simplify and explain Australia’s complex tax law and provides a framewor...Read More
LexisNexis Concise Tax Legislation 2008
Author: Paul Kenny Description: LexisNexis Concise Taxation Legislation 2008 comprises selected provisions from legislation relating to tax law in Australia. Location- Nasinu [1 copy], Labasa [1 copy] OPAC Link: Click Here...Read More
Intellectual Property: Commentary and Materials
Authors: Jill McKeough, Kathy Bowrey and Philip Griffith Description: A comprehensive statement of intellectual property law through the reproduction of a collection of cases, statutes and other materials linked together by appropriate commentary....Read More
Media Law: Commentary and Meterials
Author: Sally Walker Description: Examines both the laws directed specifically at broadcasters and those laws that apply to everyone and explained how these laws operate to restrict journalists and media organizations. Expert analysis of extracts ...Read More
Auditing and Assurance Handbook 2008: Incorporating all the Standards as at 1 January 2008
Authors: The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Volume: 2 Description: Auditing & Assurance Handbook 2008 continues to provide students and educators with the latest Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards. Current as of 1 ...Read More
Financial Reporting Handbook 2008: Incorporating All the Standards as at 1 January 2008
Authors: The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Description: This handbook contains applicable Australian audit and assurance standards and guidance statements as well as ethical pronouncements and miscellaneous professional statement...Read More