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Posted On: 29th May, 2024
FNU Hosts Second National TVET Forum

  The Fiji National University’s 2024 National Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Forum kicked off successfully on Monday at the university’s Namaka Campus in Nadi. The theme for this year’s forum which is ‘TVET in Fiji: Focus on the Future’, is attended by representatives of the various industries and institutions. The Minister for…Read More

Posted On: 22nd May, 2024
FNU’s School of Education and Education Ministry to Hold Inaugural Teacher Education Forum

  The Fiji National University’s (FNU) School of Education (SOE), under the University’s College of Humanities and Education (CHE) will join the Ministry of Education (MOE) in holding the inaugural ‘Ministry of Education and School of Education Forum’ this week. The forum which will take place tomorrow at the University’s Natabua Campus in Lautoka, will…Read More

Posted On: 30th March, 2024
FNU Safeguards Academic Integrity in the Age of AI

The Fiji National University (FNU) acknowledges the evolving digital landscape and the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) tools, particularly large language models like ChatGPT, on academic integrity. With the readily available AI tools, the probability of students misusing this to tackle academic assignments are high, compromising established academic principles. Recognising the potential of AI…Read More

Posted On: 20th March, 2024
FNU’s TVET Pasifika Pledges to Focus on Marginalised Areas and Dropouts

  Living up to its vision to be the leading dual-sector transformative university predicated on inclusiveness, innovation and accessibility for Fiji and the Pacific, the Fiji National University (FNU) will deliver TVET to underprivileged areas including school dropouts. FNU’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Unaisi Nabobo-Baba said this aligned with the university’s mission to serve the people of…Read More