We, at Fiji National University are committed to providing a welcoming, encouraging, and empowering environment for students with disabilities to ensure equal access, full participation and reasonable accommodations for their academic pursuits. The Office for Disability Services, under the Department of Student Services at the Office of the Registrar (hereafter referred to as the Disability Unit) is responsible for coordinating support services, reasonable academic accommodations and promoting disability awareness in the University community. The Unit is committed and ready to assist students with disabilities to reach their goals.
Our vision is to be a national leader in achieving equal opportunities in education and employment for persons with disabilities.
Our mission is to ensure accessibility to education and employment resources for persons with disabilities.
Academic guidance
We work with the colleges to ensure that you receive the reasonable adjustments that will allow you to complete the inherent requirements of your programmes to the best of your ability. These may include materials in accessible formats; extra time during exams; etc.
Auxiliary aides and services
During your studies, you may need assistance which will require specialised skills. These include sign language interpreters for students with hearing impairments or orientation or mobility instructors for students with vision impairments. In this instances, the centre will make arrangements for you to receive this assistance provided it is included in your individual reasonable adjustment plan (IRAP).
Alternative formats for printed material e.g. braille, large prints
If you require your learning materials in alternative formats, these could be arranged. We may assist when you require materials to be enlarged, brailed or provided in word or PDF format so that you can access them. In cases where we are not able to provide this, we work with the lecturers to facilitate where possible.
Assistive technology e.g. JAWS screen reader, Magic magnification software, etc
The centre is equipped with a state of the art computer lab installed with softwares to aid you in the completion of your programme. These may include screen readers for students with vision impairments and voice activated softwares for those with physical impairments.
Admissions and Enrolment
Once you indicate your disability or medical condition on the admission form, we come in and assist. We also assist with the enrolment process if you require additional support.
Pre-admission counselling and new student orientation
In some instances, where you are not sure of which programmes to undertake, you may come in and seek advice. We can offer tailored advice according to your qualifications and what would be the best programme for you depending on what is being offered and what would be feasible.
We also organise orientation sessions for our new students which is tailored to their needs. This is held at the disability centre at the beginning of each semester for students who are newly enroled.
Residential Accommodation
We work with Accommodation Services to identify suitable and accessible accommodations for students with disabilities when we receive requests or applications.
Referral and liaison services to outside agencies
The centre also provides referrals to outside agencies if there is a need for additional services which we do not provide but is provided externally. These include referrals for wheelchair requests and other assistive devices which are supplied by other organisations.
It is not always easy to inform others about your medical condition or disability. You are therefore not obligated to disclose your disability and specific learning difficulty unless you are comfortable with it or the situation requires you to.
You can disclose your disability and specific learning difficulty at any time during your studies or employment. Nevertheless, it is highly preferable that you inform the Disability Unit at the earliest of your disability and specific learning difficulty so as to enable the staff to provide assistance and support appropriate to your needs in a timely manner. Whenever you decide to disclose your disability, the staff will be available to assist you.
If you do disclose your disability, the Disability Unit will keep your information confidential and will not disclose it to any third party without your approval. Your information will only be disclosed if you or someone else is in danger and the University has to act on its duty of care.
Information about a mobility difficulty, for example, is needed well in advance so that accessible rooms can be booked for lectures and tutorials. University staff through the Disability Unit are happy to discuss any concerns you may have that affects your education pursuits.
Please note, you are not obliged to register with the Office unless you feel that you will require additional support to fulfill the inherent requirements of your course. Once you indicate your medical condition/disability on the admission form, the Disability Unit will be in contact and you can elect whether or not to receive services.
There are 4 policies:
For any enquiries or assistance, visit:
The Disability Centre
Just after the cafeteria
Nasinu campus
Coordinator Disability
Email: cd@fnu.ac.fj
Phone: 3394000, ext 2280