Teaching Support

The goal of Teaching Support at the university is to help teachers become more successful and effective with their teaching delivery. It provides access to useful resources such as the Communities of Practice, Early Alert & Response System (EARS), Guides to Effective Teaching, Learning Design, Orientation for New Teachers and the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching.
Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice (CoP) are groups of practitioners who “share a passion for something they know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better” (Wenger, 2015). The Centre for Learning & Teaching Enhancement (CLTE) s...Read More
Early Alert & Response System
Submit an Alert EARS is an early intervention tool for teachers to refer students in need of additional assistance. Assistance is provided to students by the EARS Team in the Centre for Learning and Teaching Enhancement (CLTE), in collaboration f...Read More
Guide to Effective Teaching
Good teaching is never static - enhancement of teaching practice is an ongoing process to improve quality of student learning. We have a series of guides to a variety of teaching topics with summaries of best practices and links to other online resou...Read More
Learning Design & Learning Technologies
The Learning Design Team forms the heart of the Center for Flexible and E-Learning. They design, implement and evaluate flexible learning practices, offering pedagogically sound learning and teaching experiences appropriate to the needs of students a...Read More
Orientation for New Teachers
Teaching at a new university, in an unfamiliar department, or even a new course can raise questions for new and experienced teachers alike. The online module, Orientation for New Teachers: Getting Started with Teaching @ FNU,  is designed to orien...Read More
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is an emerging field in higher education. SoTL is scholarly inquiry into student learning (what and how students learn) which advances the practice of teaching—it's all about improving student learnin...Read More