Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that provide users with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities: 1
OER are defined in this manner by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation:
“Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.”
Understanding Open Educational Resources course intends to promote and develop the knowledge and understanding of open educational resources.
To register for the course, click on the “Register” at the COL’s Understanding Open Educational Resources homepage. Fill in the required details such as full name (to appear on the Certificate. This can’t be changed later), valid email, qualification etc. Also check the reCAPTCHA and accept the term and condition before clicking on the “Create account”.
There are many sites dedicated to helping you find OER for building course materials, activities and assessments. Below are some great sites to get you started in your search for OER!
OER Repositories World Map
1000 Free Online Courses
The Orange Grove
Khan Academy
MIT OpenCourseWare
DOER – Directory of Open Educational Resources
Search Sites:
OER Commons
Creative Commons search
OER Dynamic Search Engine
Open Education Consortium
FREE: Federal Registry for Education Excellence
Multimedia Resources:
Wikimedia Commons
CC Mixter
Open Clipart
ABC Open
MITOpenCourseware – Business
InTech Open – Business
Open Textbook Library
College Open Textbooks – Business
OpenStax CNX – Business
Science & Engineering
Chemistry LibreTexts
College of Earth & Mineral Sciences – OERs
AIM approved textbooks
InTech Open – Physical sciences, engineering and technology
OER Commons – Art
College Open Textbooks – Education
Health Science
HEAL – Health Education Assets Library
Find the answer at COL’s OERFAQ.INFO with over 100 FAQs on everything from the basics of open licences to OER quality, OER policy and developing OER.
For more information, or if you are looking for targeted support in your area of teaching, please contact: