New resources added to The College of Humanities, Education and Law collection.
Teaching With Intent: Scaffolding Academic Language With Marginalised Students
Author: Brownyn Parkin & Helen Harper. Edition: 2018. Description: This important publication presents a powerful approach to scaffolding academic language. The authors use the discipline of science to demonstrate how language is a central ...Read More
Human Factors and Ergonomics Design Handbook
Author: Barry Tillman, Peggy Tillman, and Wesley E. Woodson. Edition: 3rd edition. 2016. Description: This thoroughly revised guide offers complete coverage of the latest trends and advances in ergonomics and psychology and lays out practical a...Read More
Globalisation and Governance in the Pacific Islands
Author: Stewart Firth. Edition: 2006. Description: The Pacific Islands are feeling the effects of globalisation. Free trade in sugar and garments is threatening two of Fiji's key industries. At the same time other opportunities are emerging. La...Read More
Changing University Learning & Teaching: Engaging and Mobilising Leadership, Quality and Technology
Author: edited by Jeane McConachie. Description:  This book seeks to contribute original and significant research to the field of university learning and teaching. The increasing prominence of this field is reflected in the growing influence of i...Read More
Troubling Terrains: Tactics for Traversing and Transforming Contemporary Education Research
Author: edited by Robyn Henderson and Patrick Alan Danaher. Edition: 2008. Description: This book engages with the idea of educational research as locations, as places, as sites, as spaces as terrains. It explores multiple ways in which these t...Read More
Sustaining Synergies: Collaborative Research and Researching Collaboration
Author: edited by Catherine H. Arden. Edition: 2010. Description: This book explores the experiences, expectations, potential pitfalls and possible outcomes of team-based education research and publishing. It addresses vitally important questio...Read More
Identity Work in the Contemporary University: Exploring an Uneasy Profession
Author: Jan Smith, Julie Rattray, Tai Peseta and Daphne Loads. Edition: 2016. Description: Academic identities research is a growing area of scholarly enquiry especially as academics themselves question the evolving nature of their roles in rap...Read More
A Literature Companion for Teachers
Author: Lorraine McDonald. Edition: 2nd edition. 2018. Description: The enriched revision and update of Lorraine McDonald's best selling title includes up-to-date Australian Curriculum links and coverage along with new research, a new chapter o...Read More
Tell Me Your Story : Confirming Identity and Engaging Writers in the Middle Years
Author: Jannet Dutton, Jacqueline D’Warte, Joanne Rossbridge, Kathy Rushton. Edition: 2018. Description: Valuing the linguistic and cultural heritage of students is an important way to develop inclusivity and connectedness and to promote well...Read More
Becoming a Meaning Maker: Talk and Interaction in the Dialogic Classroom
Author: Christine Edwards-Groves and Christina Davidson. Edition: 2017. Description: Becoming a Meaning Maker aims to provide core understandings that allow educators to say definitive things about talk and interaction in classrooms so as to br...Read More