PIHRS Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please consider the following guidelines, information, tips, terms, and deadlines to facilitate the submission and subsequent follow-up process.

Abstract Guidelines Structure

  • The maximum word limit for the abstract is 250 words.
  • Please download the abstract template and follow the format carefully.
  • Your submission should be submitted in English.
  • Please do not include any graphics or tables.
  • Submit ONE abstract per area/session of interest. Do not submit the same abstract for more than one session.
  • Abstracts, including the list of authors, should be carefully compiled and thoroughly checked,  before submission to avoid last-minute changes.
  • The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is presented at the conference by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors. If this is not possible, please withdraw your abstract as early as possible.
  • By submitting an abstract, authors accept the license & copyright agreement and the rules of conduct.

Steps to follow for your Abstract Submission

Once you have prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines,

  • Submit your abstract via the online portal
  • After submission, you will be acknowledged of the receipt of the abstract via an email within three working days.
  • For abstract submission enquiries please contact: PIHRS@fnu.ac.fj

Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Abstract submissions open on 28th June 2024
  • Please submit your abstract before 9th August 2024

Double Blind Peer Reviewing Process

  • Your abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review by the PIHRS scientific committee within two to three weeks after its receipt.
  • Results of the abstract review will be sent to the author within four weeks of submission.
  • The Conference Chair serves as the head of the scientific committee and will make the final decision on abstracts.
  • Acceptance or rejections of the paper will be sent to you with reviewer comments.