Our Vision
A model of excellence in ground-breaking, impactful and ethical health research in the Pacific islands region, generating evidence to address health and wellness and inform the region’s health outcomes in the future.
Our Mission
To plan, conduct, teach, support, facilitate health research and disseminate findings which generate relevant and timely evidence-based health information, policies and programme, protocols and guidelines and best practices for current and future development of College staff and students, national Pacific island governments, regional institutions and communities and other like-minded partners.
Our Values
FIPHR has identified 11 strategic research themes include:
1. Food and Nutrition Security;
2. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Inequality, Poverty & Modernisation;
3. Communicable Diseases (CDs), Mobile Populations and the Environment;
4. Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child & Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) , Sexuality and Vulnerable Populations;
5. Mental Health (MH), Recreational Drugs, Suicide, Alcohol and Stigma;
6. Climate Change, Environmental and Global Health;
7. Oral Health and Social Behaviour;
8. Health Systems, Policy, Economics, Private and Public Partnerships & Governance;
9. Injuries and Disability, Rehabilitation, Occupational Health; and
10. Indigenous Health, Spirituality and Alternative Medicines.
11. Medical Education