The Pacific Islands Health Research Symposium (PIHRS) is an annual conference of Pacific health researchers where they meet to present their research on Pacific health issues and challenges. It was first launched in 2011 to provide a platform for staff and students to showcase their research. Today, the PIHRS has become an annual event for the College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences (‘CMNHS’), Fiji National University (‘FNU’).
The FNU has continued to embark on efforts and strategies to strengthen the research capacity and profile of its academic staff and students at all the CMNHS. Examples of such strategies are the creation of research portfolios such as the Pro-Vice Chancellor Research (PVCR), and the College Associate Deans of Research (ADRs). Research is increasingly becoming an important aspect of the FNU and events such as the PIHRS are encouraging our staff and students to engage in research and present their research findings in a larger forum.
Aim of PIHRS
The PIHRS aims to offer a platform for presenting research, research ideas, and methodologies and sharing knowledge. It is hoped that some of these will provide critical challenges, and open new spaces for further research that can impact aspects of health care and health services delivery.
PIHRS 2024 Conference Announcement
The 2024 PIHRS – Call for Abstracts Flyer is in circulation and the dates are 2nd & 3rd September 2024.
We look forward to receiving your abstract(s) if you have something to share at the PIHRS 2024!
1) Communicable Disease
2) Non-Communicable Diseases
3) Health Systems & Policies
4) Climate Change & Health
Symposium Date & Time
2nd September,2024|Time:9:00am–4:00pmFJT
3rd September,2024|Time:9:00am–4:00pmFJT
Call for Abstract:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points
Continuing Professional Development Certificates will be provided to all registered participants, at a rate of roughly two (2) CPD points per hour of presentations attended, equivalent to 10 CPD points for a whole day’s attendance. This equates to 20 CPD points for the full 2-day attendance.
The PIHRS 2024 brings you a unique experience with speeches from renowned speakers, best presentations, roundtable discussions, networking opportunities and many more.
Click here for information on PIHRS Information Package 2024
Please consider the following guidelines, information, tips, terms, and deadlines to facilitate the submission and subsequent follow-up process.
Abstract Guidelines Structure
Steps to follow for your Abstract Submission
Once you have prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines,
Abstract Submission Deadline
Double Blind Peer Reviewing Process
2024 PIHRS Abstract Template for Oral Presentations
Authors listing: (Presenting Author in bold)
Institutional Affiliation and email address (es)
Introduction: Previous research and/or rationale for performing the study. Include aim and Objective of the study if applicable.
Method: Adequate description of the type of study, study sample and statistical methods used.
Results: Summary of findings, description of analysis, and interpretation of findings.
Discussion: Limitations of the study, implications of the results, and further work.
Word Count: (indicate number of words: should not Exceed 250 words)
Instructions: (Delete this section before submission)
If your question is not answered below, please get in touch with the PIHRS Secretariat at
1. What is a conference?
A conference is a meeting, often lasting for a few days, organized on a particular subject or to bring together participants with a common interest. Participants will participate in or attend the PIHRS conference face-to-face and use this platform to present research, research ideas, and methodologies and share knowledge. It is hoped that some of these will address critical challenges and open new spaces for further research that can impact aspects of health care and health services delivery.
2. When is PIHRS 2024?
The PIHRS Conference will be held on the 2nd & 3rd September 2024. All conference sessions will be based on Fiji Time. There will be recorded presentations for speakers and a Zoom will be organized for speakers who cannot attend physically.
3. Who should attend?
The PIHRS conference welcomes local and international academics, donors, government ministries, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), technical agencies, the Private Sector, students, and anyone passionate about the theme: “Investing in Health: Bridging the Knowledge to Behaviour gaps”.
4. How do I register for PIHRS 2024?
Registration for the 2024 PIHRS Conference has opened. For online registration, please click on:
5. What happens once I register?
Once you register online, you will receive an email confirmation with detailed instructions on payment of the registration fee with the invoice generated and sent to your email. Please kindly retain the copy of your payment receipt once you have paid the registration fee.
6. How much do I need to pay to register for the conference?
The conference registration fee is in Fiji Dollars that covers morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea and can be viewed here:
7. Is there funding available to participate in the conference?
Funding is not available for this conference.
8. Where/How can I claim Continuing Professional Development (CDP) credit points?
Registrants can claim Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, and participation certificates, and provide feedback by email to the Secretariat here
The PIHRS Program Committee will provide this information and forward for upload once available.
Attention all health researchers and enthusiasts!
We are thrilled to announce that the CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for the 2024 Pacific Island Health Research Symposium is now open!
This year’s theme is “Investing in Health: Bridging the Knowledge to Behavior Gaps!” and we cannot wait to hear your innovative ideas and research findings.
Abstract submissions close on 23rd August, 2024. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your work.
For more information, email us at
The 2024 Pacific Islands Health Research Symposium (PIHRS) committee plans to strengthen the health research
capacity of scientists in Fiji and the Pacific who are engaged in tackling the significant health challenges in the
Pacific region. The organizing committee is calling for applications from interested individuals who are active,
emerging biomedical/health researchers in Fiji and the Pacific region to participate in the forthcoming PIHRS
Writing Workshops.
Workshops Duration and Places Available
This will be a 2-day face-to-face program from 4 – 5 September 2024. Due to the limited space and funding, there
are only 25 places for each of the four Writing Workshops available for Pacific health researchers who are
attending the PIHRS.
I. Manuscript Writing
II. Policy brief Writing
III. Grant Application Writing
IV. Concept Note Writing
Expression of Interest and Criterias
To secure a place participants will be required to send an expression of interest (EOI) to the email, The EOIs needs to meet the following criteria to be accepted for the workshop:
1. Staff & student at the College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences (CMNHS) OR research partner of
CMNHS with a completed registration (fees paid) to attend PIHRS 2024.
2. Submit a copy of an existing piece of work, such as the draft manuscript OR research project report OR draft
research proposal OR draft concept notes OR draft grant application, that can be used for the writing
3. If you attended the 2023 Manuscript Writing Workshop, you will only be accepted to attend a Writing
Workshop if you can demonstrate that your paper has been published, or is currently under review by a
4. Deadline for the submission of the EOI and existing piece of work is 28th August 2024.
The Workshop committee will select and confirm participants for the Workshop.
With best wishes for the Writing Workshops.
PIHRS Committee
Click Here to View 2023 Proceedings Report.