Join us as we welcome our Alumni Back To FNU! Learn more about their professional roles Get advice about University life Discover the different types of roles and opportunities available. Gain Alumni Mentors, Discuss Career Paths, and Make Professional Contacts Guest Speaker: Jaidev Prakash Maharaj A Building Designer with over 20 years experience in Feasibility…Read More
Higher education institutions periodically run Tracer surveys to determine the effectiveness of their programmes as well as to survey the reach and contribution of their alumni to the society. FNU has more than 60,000 alumni, most of whom are involved in key roles in their communities. Therefore, it is necessary and advantageous for the University…Read More
The Alumni Homecoming of 2017 was held on the 28 and 29 July 2017, commemorating 132 years of the Fiji School of Medicine, the present College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (CMNHS). The event featured a carnival in the heart of Suva City, in the Sukuna Park with entertainment, food stalls, free medical checkup by…Read More
Three sessions of Curriculum Vitae writing workshops were organised in the Central and Western divisions targeting alumni across the country. The FNUAA with assistance from the University alumni office determined a pool of graduates interested to further their skills in CV & Cover Letter writing. These graduates were then given a chance to return on…Read More
A special three-day get-together was organised for a group of former students of the Nasinu Teachers College (NTC) by Fiji National University (FNU), with the aim to create a platform for the alumni members to reconnect, rekindle fond memories, re-establish and strengthen connections with the University. The Nasinu Teachers College (NTC) Alumni Reunion for 70s…Read More