Ms Ofa Swann

Ofa Swann

Ms Ofa Swann

Ofa Swann is of Lauan heritage and a former member of the Parliament of Fiji. She is a co-owner and trainer of Pasifika Wellbeing Hub. With 23 years of experience, she practices as a Community Health psychologist focused on social archetypes, leadership development, cultural awareness, team effectiveness, facilitation, counselling, mentoring, and strategic implementation across the Pacific. She has been a consultant on various patient/client care, wellness plans, and psychological health. She is an author, researcher, and developer of the dissertation thesis on “Exploring the Ideal Partner Concepts: Attraction, Partner Selection, converging on the Dark Core of personality in a Fiji Population”. Ms Swann is a faculty member of the School of Social Sciences of the University of the South Pacific and has published and presented at local and regional conferences. She is a member of the Fiji Psychological Society: Student Member American Psychology Association.


Ph.D. Candidate (Psych), MA (Psych), PGdip (Psych), BA (Psych), Cert Counselling & Guidance (USP), PGDip HR in Business (CQU), Supervision (Human Synergistics, Australia).