Associate Dean Flexible & E-Learning, Dr. Valentine Hazelman took part in a professional development workshop for the School of Communication, Literature & Language (SCLL) in the College of Humanities & Education (CHE). The workshop took place over 2 days, from 8-9 November 2018 at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi. Solid outputs from the workshop…Read More
In a professional development workshop held at the Pearl Resort from 24-26 October, Pro Vice Chancellor Learning & Teaching Professor Pounder emphasised how important it was for students to feel a sense of belonging to the institution. He stated that, “good teachers who cared about students had a life changing effect”, and that experiential learning…Read More
The Fiji National University believes that health research adds high value to the society. The University in the recent past has done a number of research studies in various health related areas which has been used as an important tool for decision making by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services. While officiating at the…Read More
Associate Dean Flexible & E-Learning, Dr. Valentine Hazelman took part in a professional development workshop for the School of Education in the College of Humanities & Education. The workshop took place over 2 days, from 19-20 October 2018 at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi. A significant outcome of the workshop was the identification of…Read More