Flexible Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office (FLTEO) provides a university-wide service to support students’ academic learning needs. We aim to help students acquire the skills, knowledge and attribute to become independent, successful learners. Students from all campuses can register for a free consultation.
How can one-on-one consultation help me?
One-on-one sessions are designed to help students develop specific strategies to address their academic concerns. While workshops provide students with an opportunity to explore strategies for academic success and university survival in a group setting, often students need individual guidance. In one-on-one consultations, students examine their approach to learning, current barriers to success, and work with student success specialists to develop effective learning strategies.
Topics covered
Some common topics addressed in one-on-one consultation include:
Time management: Assess your current use of time to assist you work out a study timetable. This will help you better manage your time between your studies and leisure activities.
Exam preparation: Do thoughts of exams attract more panic attacks than butterflies? We can help you take preparatory steps that will ensure you arrive sweat-free at the examination door.
Referencing: You can make your referencing life more comfortable with Mendeley Software tool. We can assist you in downloading and setting up free reference manager that collects references, organises citations, and creates bibliographies.
Self-organisation: What are the challenges, problems and obstacles you face pertaining to your learning?
Note-taking skills: Effective note-taking helps you retain what you learnt in class so that you can use the material to study. This will build your knowledge and help tackle more complex concepts later on.
Revision technique: Everyone needs to ensure you do well in your exams. However, what works for one person might not be suitable for another. We all need to try out different methods and find what works well for both of us, and the subjects we study.
Resource hunting: FNU has an abundance of text and online resources that you can use to enhance your learning.
Other topics include but are not limited to Literature Review, Word Processing, Paraphrasing, PowerPoint, Proofreading, and Report Writing.
However, we may not be able to:
assist you with the content of your assignments
correct or check grammar and spelling
proofread your draft
provide subject tutoring
mark or grade your assignment.
How do I book a session for myself?
Click on “Book a consultation” and follow the instructions. Please provide all relevant information to obtain utmost assistance from a Student Success Specialist.
When you book a session, please remember:
There are three 40 minute sessions available (at 9 am, 11 am and 2 pm) on a weekday.
One-on-one consultation service will be closed during public holidays, weekends, mid-semester and end-of-semester study break.
A session must be booked/ cancelled/ rescheduled at least 48 hours before the appointment.
Once you have successfully booked a session, you will receive a confirmation email.
Consultation bookings are not transferable. Appointments made under a particular student ID must be attended by that student only.
One-on-one consultation can be either virtual via zoom or face-to-face depending on the location of student.
Note: We do not disclose any information from our consultations.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is attendance compulsory?
Yes, once you have booked a session, it is compulsory for you to attend. We do understand that there may be situations where you may not be able to make it due to unforeseen circumstances, please immediately contact FLTEO to notify and cancel/reschedule your appointment.
2. Do I have to pay?
No, it is entirely free for students.
3. Can I book more than one session?
Due to the high demand for consultations, all students will be limited to 1 appointment per week.
4. What if I have a question that is not answered here?
Please feel free to email Ms. Ferine Bano at flteo@fnu.ac.fj