Derrick Campus, Samabula

Derrick Campus is located in Samabula – Suva, offering programmes of study under the College of Engineering, Science & Technology which include the following schools:

  • School of Building and Civil Engineering
  • School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • School of Mechanical Engineering
  • School of Pure Science
  • School of Applied Science
  • School of Mathematical and Computing Science
  • School of Transport


The Campus is now also home to the school of Creative Arts under the College of Humanities and Education. Derrick Campus was established in 1964 and has been providing a skilled workforce for the nation’s development for over 50 years.


The Campus comprises of the following facilities:

  • Civil Engineering Lab Facilities
  • Mechanical Engineering Laboratories
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering Laboratories
  • Automotive Engineering Workshops
  • Student Academic Services Office


Derrick Campus is centrally located with a multi-disciplinary environment and the faculty members are well qualified in their respective areas as well as with experience from a various industrial background.


Address: Ratu Mara Road, Samabula

Postal Address: P. O. Box 3722, Samabula, Suva


Phone:+679 3381044