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Unit Code: VPM512

Unit Name: Introduction to Veterinary Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics

Description: Topics to be covered in this courseinclude history, scope, and classification of pharmacology, pharmacology related terminologies, drug discovery, sources, chemical nature and nomenclature of drugs, pharmacokinetics (drug administration, absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion ), pharmacodynamics (drug- receptor interaction, dose-response relationship, and factors modifying the drug effect and dosage), Licensing, prescription writing and dispensing medication, drug formulations and commonly used drugs in animals, drugs acting on autonomic Nervous System(parasympathomimetic,parasympatholytic, sympathomimetic, sympatholytic), pain, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, antimicrobial agents and mechanism of action, antibiotic resistance, antifungal, antiviral drugs. Toxicity caused by metals, nonmetals, plants and agrochemicals food additives and preservatives., air pollution and pollutants. Basic definition of drug, chemical nature of drugs , drug targets, kinetic and dynamic concepts, sources of drugs, properties of an ideal drug, different routes of administration, importance of routes of administration, absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion of drugs, drug discovery, generic name of drug, brand name, chemical type, pharmacologic class, uses, mechanism of action , side effects, contraindications, clinically significant drug interactions, regulatory oversight, drug-receptor interactions, pharmacokinetic considerations relevant to patient dosing, therapeutic effects, adverse effects and therapeutic indications noted for major classes of drugs and for commonly used drugs within each class, synthetic conversion of a molecule to medicine, establishing therapeutic drug levels, natural products and drug discovery anti-bacterial drugs, drugs used to treat Bacterial /Viral Infection, other antibacterial drugs, viral targets and drugs, drug resistance, What?s Different about Toxicology? ? Concepts and definitions, similarities, specific examples of mechanisms of toxicity, airborne, waterborne, exposure, additional examples of mechanisms of toxicity, elementary risk assessment.

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: Student must be enrolled in the programme.

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2