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Unit Code: TVT606

Unit Name: Creating Positive TVET Learining Environments

Description: Creating and maintaining a positive learning environment is an on-going process, requiring effort, knowledge and time. This course aims to engage students in reflecting on the assumptions they hold about students, the role of the teacher and why students behave the way they do. This reflection is supported through an assessment of contemporary theoretical models for classroom management and positive learning environments for post compulsory learners, which will inform students and guide them in considering learner needs, motivation and learning abilities. Learning involves social, emotional, and participatory factors as well as cognitive ones. The course examines some of the learning and teaching theories that underpin TVET practice and introduces the concept of metacognition to focus students on also thinking about their own learning.

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: Successful completion of the High Education Certificate in Teaching TVET Programme at the Fiji National University, School of Education

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2