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Unit Code: TVT504

Unit Name: TVET Pedagogy through Action Research

Description: TVT504 is an Action Research Unit. It is about creating an awareness for TVET student teachers on an option they could take to improve their practice while teaching. The advantage of Action Research is that it will enable TVET teachers to improve their practice in areas of importance to them and at the same time the quality of their student's learning experience. Its strengths are: (a) It is systematic, (b) It is flexible, (c) It is practical, (c) it does not rely on "outside experts" and (d) it brings out change, no matter how small.

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: A Pass in Professional Practice 1 in TVET Classrooms with a B+ Average

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2