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Unit Code: PHY822

Unit Name: Physics of Photovoltaic Devices

Description: We welcome you to the Postgraduate Diploma in Physics and hope that you will find it enriching, interesting and rewarding for the future. With its small islands, Fiji is regularly facing the challenges caused by climate change, one of which is rising energy demand. At present country mainly depends on fossil fuel-based energy supply which is not preferable for a long time as oil imports are not only expensive which leads Fiji vulnerable to the instability of the global oil market but also boosts the extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels. Therefore relying on solar energy installations country-wide will ensure a stable and independent power supply at low costs. In such a scenario, the present unit as a part of the curriculum would be an essential choice for the student to get familiar with the science and technology of photovoltaic devices, which provides a rich physics behind the working of solar cells and the materials used. In addition, the students can learn the basics of photovoltaic systems, installation types and strategies including device fabrication methods.

Learning Target Outcomes: The course will involve theoretical and practical aspects. As a result of successfully completing this unit, the students will be able to: 1. Explain the fundamental concepts of terrestrial solar radiation and measurements, geographical effects, electrical conduction and optical absorption mechanisms of semiconductors. 2. Formulate quantum mechanical models and diffusion mechanisms to estimate V-I characteristics of PN-Junction and Energy Conversion Efficiency. 3. Analyze the manufacturing methods of single-crystalline and multi-crystalline silicon Silicon-based Solar wafers, fabrication of Standard Solar Cells, and construction of Solar Cell modules. 4. Distinguish the theoretical, experimental and material limits on the efficiency of the solid-state materials in photovoltaic devices and technology and analyse the impact of climate change on the energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices. 5. Design a model for modifying the materials of thin-film Dye-sensitized Solar cells, Perovskite solar cells, and Planar-Structure Perovskite Solar Cells.

Prerequisite: PHY704

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 30

Offered In: Semester 1,2