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Unit Code: PCP813

Unit Name: Burdens and Realities of Sexual and Reproductive Health

Description: PCP813 is a core course provides students with in-depth understanding of the core components of SRH, the magnitude of SRH burden of issues, an analysis of the various factors that affect SRH knowledge, behaviour and practices, explore and prioritize evidence-based interventions and innovations, and skills to develop the principles of effective programming in SRH. PCP813 is conducted over one semester administered in blended modes. The course will help health professionals become skilled SRH practitioners taking on multiple functions such as service providers, coordination and management roles. It helps them demonstrate understanding of the reproductive cycle and a comprehensive picture of SRH core element s and their linkages. The students will synthesise and analyze the epidemiology of the burdens and realities of SRH issues at the global, regional and at country level. The students will also discuss the Graduate Attributes of the PGD SRH programme. On successful completion of this course, students will be able to synthesize the key SRH global treaties and their relevance to the Pacific region; identify and analyse the magnitude of the burdens and realities of SRH; demonstrate understanding of the core components of SRH and contributing factors in SRH status, synthesise the intervention approaches in continuity of care including maternal and new-born health, family planning, HIV&AIDS, STIs, adolescent health; link gender-based violence with sexual-reproductive rights and rights-based approaches; critique the role of men in reproductive health; and analyse the impact of social determinants on SRH issues.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, student will be able to: 1. Introduce sexual and reproductive health as a global development agenda and its relevance to the Pacific Region. 2. Assess the burden and realities of sexual and reproductive health using epidemiological data and other sources of information. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the core elements of sexual and reproductive health. 4. Critique the current interventions to address SRH and recommend mechanisms for strengthening programme delivery. 5. Explore evidence-based innovations in SRH interventions. 6. Develop ways for effective SRH programme development.

Prerequisite: Minimum Entry Requirement.

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 40

Offered In: Semester 1,2