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Unit Code: PBH606

Unit Name: Climate Change, Environment and Human Health

Description: This course will also examine the pathways through which climate change is likely to influence human health. These include the likely health effects of rising ambient temperatures, shifting patterns of vector-borne and food-borne diseases, physical and mental health risks of extreme weather events, potential food and water insecurity, occupational health risks, and the likely impacts of climate change on health equity, vulnerability and resilience. This course will enlightened students on studies to be done in respect to the impact of climate change on human health. There have been a lot of studies, video documentary etc. done about climate change in the Pacific and this course should allow students that are mostly Pacific Islanders to take up the challenge. The course will introduce students to the issues associated with Climate Change and how environment and health are closely linked with it. The land and our atmosphere are polluted from the very industries and technology that support our way of life today. A nation’s development is associated with increased energy use and each source of energy has a profile of health impacts. There will be detail discussion of the energy sources on earth and their impact on health and the environment. The ongoing pollution of the environment is of concern at the local level, regional and on a worldwide scale. Air pollution is caused by pollutants ( gases, particulates) that may be suspended or present in the environment for some time. There is a global concern for some pollutants while for others the problem may be confined to the immediate vicinity or indoors. The level of air pollution has increased accompanied by their subsequent impacts on the biosphere. Topics include; impact of air pollution on climate, climate change and health, types of ambient air pollution , motor vehicles and stationary sources of air pollution and noise. Techniques of conducting rapid assessment surveys using appropriate tools and methods will be used. It is hoped that students will be introduced to Geographic Information System (GIS) in presentation of information.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to : 1. Discuss earth-environment and biogeochemical cycles 2. Discuss the direct and indirect pathways that connect human health, environment and climate change 3. Explain the impacts of climate change on environment and health equity, vulnerability and resilience 4. Determine the effects of climate change on water, air, food, stress and biological disease agents 5. Evaluate health protection policy, budget and strategies at national level on the effects of climate change. 6. Build climate resilient health systems

Prerequisite: NA

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2