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Unit Code: OHS303(Manufacturing-L4)

Unit Name: Occupational Health and Safety

Description: To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of Occupational Health and Safety Laws with Associated Regulations. To enable students to acquire the necessary skills to be able to identify hazards and assess risk in their workplaces and also develop control measures that are effective to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level. The Course content has been drawn parallel to the Contents and requirements of the HASAW Act 1996 and Legal Notice 168 Regulation for the Training of Health and Safety Reps and Committees in Fiji’s Workplaces This course has been designed for students that would enter the job market with these basic skills in OHS.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Identifies operational hazards and Understand the historical background of Occupational Health and Safe and sets out relevant steps to be taken to lower the risk to public health and safety (including as appropriate to the discipline, safety in construction/fabrication, operation, maintenance, deconstruction/disposal, failing-safe and occupational health and safety. 2. Demonstrates knowledge of the impacts of any relevant legislation or regulation and identifies relevant steps to be taken to ensure compliance, interpret and apply the relevant sections of the GWC 2003 to their work environment, fire safety and First aid administration and also demonstrates knowledge of the responsibilities of an engineering technician according to Work Act 1996 and interpret, apply function and roles of OHS committee.

Prerequisite: MER

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 5

Offered In: Quarter 2