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Unit Code: NUR511

Unit Name: Human Bio-Sciences: Normal Body Structure and Functions

Description: This course is designed to provide students with a basic foundation in normal human anatomy and physiology. The course will take on a head to toe approach to the description of body system and how they function. Sections covered are: the body and its constituents, communication systems, Intake of raw materials and elimination of waste and protection and survival. This is supplemented by describing common age related changes to structure and function, before considering some important pathology and pathophysiology of some important disorders and diseases. The use of real life examples will encourage students to reflect on their own clinical placement experiences to ensure that biological concepts become integrated knowledge. The base of knowledge provided by this course will encourage students to adopt an attitude to incorporating scientific concepts throughout their nursing career and especially in relation to the nursing assessment. Laboratory sessions complement lectures. In Laboratory instructions, emphasizes on structure and how it relates to function and the maintenance of homeostasis in the whole body will be related and reemphasized.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Develop knowledge of anatomic terms for direction, reference planes, body cavities and body regions to help describe the locations of various body structures. 2. Recognize the structure of cells, four basic issue types and their characteristics and describe cell reproduction and energy generation. 3. Describe the size, shape, location and orientation of the heart in the thorax, its structure and their functions, and the structure and distribution of lymphatic vessels, and note their important characteristics. 4. Explain the fundamentals of the nervous system and nervous tissue. 5. Describe the structure and functions of the eye, ears, taste and smell receptors and explain how these receptors are activated. 6. Explain the functions of endocrine glands, hormone release and transportation in the endocrine system and the role of receptors in the influence of hormones on cells. 7. Describe the structure of the respiratory system and their functions and the major components of the GI system, the phases of digestion, functions of GI hormones and sites and mechanisms of gastric secretions. 8. Describe the major structures of the urinary system and their functions, the way in which urine is formed and the role of hormones in the urinary system and the anatomic structure and functions of the male and female reproductive system, 9. Explain the basic functions of the skin, skin layers and their components the major muscles and bones of the body, types of muscle tissue and their functions, bones and their functions and the roles of tendons, ligaments, cartilages, joints and bursae in body movement and structure. 10. Demonstrate skills in basic nursing procedures

Prerequisite: Pass in Year 13 examination (or equivalent) and as per Minimum Entry Requirement (MER).

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 1