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Unit Code: MLS702

Unit Name: Transfusion Medicine II

Description: This course includes more advance study of the theory, principles and procedures associated with transfusion medicine. Discussions cover specialised procedures, advanced applications and quality assurance. Students must pass compatibility testing component (cross match blood units) to be able progress to next level.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: • Apply principles of genetics to Transfusion Medicine and Major Blood Group Antigens. • Demonstrate knowledge of the Blood Group System that produce cold and warm reacting antibodies. • Analyse blood grouping discrepancies and classification of autoimmune haemolytic disease • Apply knowledge of antiglobulin testing on blood bank samples and compatibility testing • Demonstrate knowledge on hazards of blood transfusion. • Utilize knowledge and understanding of population genetics in transfusion medicine. • Carry out and interpret antibody identication test. • Carry out Antibody titration, elution and absorption. • Demonstrate Knowledge on Tissue banking and organ transplantation and ethical issues in organ donation. Haemapoetic Stem and progenitor cells.

Prerequisite: Pass in the BMLS Year 2

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 30

Offered In: Semester 1,2