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Unit Code: MED703

Unit Name: Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Description: The purpose of this course is summarised below: 1. To develop and improve proficiency in basic clinical skills in obstetrics including the ability to: Obtain and integrate a full and accurate obstetric and gynaecological history with that of a physical examination and appropriate investigations. Perform pelvic examination under supervision in an ethical and compassionate manner. Interpret the findings, formulate a provisional diagnosis, institute appropriate management as well as to monitor the progress of the patient\'s condition. 2. To demonstrate competence in performing basic practical procedures like pelvic examination, pap smears, high vaginal swabs and vaginal examination on a pregnant patient as well as demonstrating competency in eliciting cervical excitation tenderness to exclude ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease and any other gynaecological pathology. 3. To develop and improve knowledge and develop an understanding of the promotion of female reproductive health, the illnesses and diseases specific to women and to reproduction, and the various methods of preventing these specific pathologies. To be able to perform bimanual pelvic examination, to determine the size, position and mobility of the uterus. All this are to be conducted with patient\'s consent. 4. To demonstrate the ability to recognise common obstetric emergencies, manage them appropriately in the initial phase and plan ongoing care (with referral if required). 5. To develop and reinforce attitudes that promote high standards of practice in relation to the health care of women and their sexual and reproductive health needs. Be able to involve family members in counseling and improving sexual and reproductive health needs of women. 6. To improve and demonstrate skills in accessing current medical knowledge or literature and search for evidence for best practice. Able to critique the evidence that is available. 7. To establish and demonstrate interpersonal and inter-professional communication skills including counselling of women and their spouses. Be able to work in a group and is a team player.

Learning Target Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course (MED703), whilst dealing with an Obstetric and Gynaecology patient, the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate some advanced and some specialised communication skills and proficiency in taking an accurate and relevant history and in conducting a complete physical examination on patients. 2. Demonstrate competence in undertaking and interpreting appropriate investigations as a critical thinker. 3. Use critical thinking to generate and synthesise provisional and/or differential diagnoses. 4. Demonstrate competence in performing expected essential practical procedures. 5. Be proficient in recognising common medical conditions, emergencies and their severity as well as key related public health issues; and discuss the management principles as a critical thinker and leader. 6. Exercise initiative and independence in the demonstration of compassion and attributes for ongoing professional development and for ethical evidence-based practice.

Prerequisite: MED702, MED705, MED706 & MED707

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 30

Offered In: Semester 1,2