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Unit Code: MEB703

Unit Name: Thermodynamics

Description: When engineers analyze the workings of heat engines, air compressors and air conditioning equipment they are likely to encounter complexities of heat energy theory. This course has been designed to help the students grasp the fundamentals of thermodynamics which is crucial in understanding the workings of the above equipment and other allied engineering devices. This course will allow students to understand the basic thermodynamic laws, properties of fluids including entropy and principles of exergy.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Describe and differentiate the concepts and terminology relating to engineering thermodynamics (WA 1) 2. Analyze performance and energy related parameters for complex engineering systems by applying mass and energy balances (First Law of Thermodynamics) to closed systems and open systems (steady flow and uniform flow). (WA 1,2) 3. Analyse and interpret the performance of engineering systems by the application and interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (WA2) 4. Analyze air standard Gas power cycles and evaluate their application to and relationship with practical, working engines (WA 2 ,3 ) 5. Mathematically model and analyze thermodynamic cycles and processes using ideal gas assumptions (WA5) 6. Design aspects of thermodynamic systems, including: gas-turbine power plant, steam power plant, refrigeration systems, air-conditioning systems and combustion systems (WA3)

Prerequisite: MTH517, MTH518

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 1