Unit Code: MCD531
Unit Name: 3D Solid Modeling and Analysis
Description: Building on the skills you developed in Engineering Graphics, you will learn how to use Solid-works CAD software in the engineering process. This course will enable you to design work in the field of mechanical engineering and model objects in 3D. You will be introduced to CNC and its operation. You will also learn to simulate objects and perform stress, the factor of safety and force analysis with the CAD software.
Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Distinguish and communicate effectively the commands, tools and tabs associated with computer drawing. 2. Demonstrate and represent a three-dimensional object or assembly in pictorial and orthographic projections. 3. Distinguish the geometric and functional relationships between components making up assemblies and sub-assemblies. 4. Apply drawing representations in detail drawings and assembly drawings. 5. Apply editing techniques of drawings through modifying features and tools. 6. Apply techniques to create detailed drawings of parts and assemblies.
Prerequisite: Passed MCD518
Prerequisite Sentence: N/A
Credit Point: 12
Offered In: Semester 1