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Unit Code: HSM710

Unit Name: Gender, Ageing and Health

Description: This course is designed to provide students with Gender Ageing and Health issue and brings attention to the ways in which biological and social differences between women and men affect health and the steps needed to achieve health equality. The main emphasis of Gender and Health is to promote the inclusion of gender perspectives in the work of Health by collaborating with other departments and, regional and international bodies. It aims to increase knowledge of gender issues by sharing and discussing on how socio-cultural factors and discrimination affect health especially in the Pacific Region. The course will allow students to appreciate the different cultural gender roles and theories and the importance of gender mainstreaming and gender auditing, gender and international treaties and what each country is doing in terms of implementing these treaties, key gender issues like gender and poverty, gender and diseases, and age-friendly environment, responsive health systems, with evidence on ageing and health.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Explain common gender terms and factors influencing gender relations with equity in health management. 2. Use gender international treaties to identify inequalities and equality in health. 3. Analyze SDGs and its impact on gender and health. 4. Demonstrate applications of gender analysis, gender mainstreaming and auditing in the health sector. 5. Analyze gender issues and concerns in monitoring and evaluation. 6. Demonstrate gender issues surrounding health management of diseases and health issues like TB, HIV/AIDS, Health Tobacco, and Violence. 7. Develop an age-friendly environment, responsive health systems, with evidence on ageing and health .

Prerequisite: BHSM Year 1 & 2 courses

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2