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Unit Code: HRM604

Unit Name: Strategic Human Resource Management & Development

Description: Strategic human resource management has gained much attention and has become a topic of global discussion. Throughout the world, aligning the human resource with the need of the business has been the topic of discussion since quiet some period of time. This course is design to help students explore explicit linkage between HR policies, practices, strategies, and overall organizational strategic aims and objectives. This course will also help students understand the primary roles of a strategic human resource manager in identifying key HR areas where strategies can be implemented on a long term basis in order to improve the overall employee motivation and productivity. Furthermore, the Course provides students with analytical ability to understand the process of formulating and implementing HR strategies.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this Course, students will be able to: 1. Establish new-era HR professional development activities through mentoring, coaching, counseling, stress management, and emotional balance 2. Evaluate different framework and strategies HR has to play as a business partner. 3. Acquire and internalize the business knowledge and skills in the human resource management area, especially from a strategic perspective. 4. Design communication skills, and apply strategic Human Resource Management knowledge to solve business problems. 5. Formulate ways in which Human Resource Management can provide services that help the organization meet business objectives. 6. Diagnose how human resource managers participate with executive management team plan, design, and implement corporate strategies. 7. Interpret the various strategies for organizational development. 8. Evaluate the Strategic HRM approach to resourcing. 9. Evaluate the purpose and scope of performance management strategy. 10. Interpret how reward strategy contributes to the achievement of corporate goals. 11. Critically assess the HRM approach to employee Relations

Prerequisite: HRM501 or equivalent

Prerequisite Sentence: N/A

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2