Unit Code: GMQ441
Unit Name: (Entrepreneurship) Small Business Prospects for Resource Owners
Description: This Unit introduces students to the concept of entrepreneurship and its practice in Fiji including the role and functions of the Young Entrepreneurs Council of the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation. A focus will be at a small or medium scale in the rural/village context in Fiji. It will consider options for landowners to engage in value adding to the mineral resources (especially sand and gravel) they own before they are sold. The opportunities for the role of women and the youth will be examined. Finance and employment challenges and opportunities will be considered. The role of the Fiji Development Bank will be introduced. Students will be required to document a possible entrepreneurship opportunity of their choice.
Learning Target Outcomes:
Prerequisite: GMQ436
Prerequisite Sentence: N/A
Credit Point: 5
Offered In: Quarter 4