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Unit Code: FPM700

Unit Name: Forest Planning and Management

Description: The topics in the course includes introduction and history to forest planning and management: definition of planning and management, historical development of forest management; management of forests and other natural resources: challenges related to the management of forests, planning for the management of natural resources; characterizing decision-making processes: planning within natural resource management organizations, concepts of decision making, challenges related to forest planning; classification system analysis: definition of system and system analysis, system concepts and decision making; geographic information and land classification in forest planning: geographic data collection processes and data structures, introduction to land classifications (strata based, based on course lands and based on spatial position); forest planning concepts, objectives and policies: objectives and goals of forest planning policies and process in forest planning; valuing and characterizing forest conditions: structural evaluation, economic evaluation, environmental evaluation; fundamental precepts of managing resources: sustained yield, normal forest, allowable cut, sustainability of production and multiple uses, sustainability beyond the immediate forest; forest and natural resource sustainability: sustainability of forests and other natural resources; models of desired forest structure: the normal forest, the regulated forest and the irregular forest structure; hierarchical system for planning: strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning forest supply chain management: definition of supply chain management, components of a forestry supply chain, forest supply chain and planning; forest certification: overview of forest certification, forest certification programmemes the purpose of this course is to provide information on: introduction, definition and scope of forest management, peculiarities of forest management. Principles of forest management and their applications, objects of management, purpose and policy. Sustained and progressive yield concept and meaning, general definitions ? management and administrative courses, felling cycle, cutting section, Rotations: definition, kinds of rotations, choice of rotations, length of rotations and conversion period, normal forest: definition and concept, even aged and uneven aged models, estimation of growing stock, density, quantity and increment, yield regulation ? general principles of even aged and uneven aged forest crop, yield regulation based on area, volume, area and volume, increment and number of trees, working plan ? definition, objects and necessity, normal age gradation in regular and irregular forests ? felling series in selection forest and coppice with standard system, increment - CAI ?MAI ? relationship, growing stock ? concept and definition ?determination of growing stock, normal growing stock in regular, shelter wood system, selection system, Joint forest management _ concept and methodology ? successful citations for abroad, working plans ? introduction - definitions ? object and scope ?preparation of working plans ? preliminary working plan report, constitution of a working plan division ?fieldwork ? compartment histories? maps ?working plan map, soil map, regeneration maps, forest type map, management map, method of writing working plan ? Part-I and Part II ? use of modern tools in WP preparation.

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: Student must be enrolled in the programme.

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 1