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Unit Code: EDU505

Unit Name: Science Education 1

Description: This course is the first of the two compulsory Science Education courses for students in their three years of study in the Bachelor of Education Primary programme. The Science Education I course aims to develop in pre- service teachers? conceptual knowledge and pedagogical skills, to teach science resourcefully, creatively, enthusiastically and with positive attitude that is consistent with what is known about how students learn. That is, in a manner that enhances young children?s curiosity, enthusiasm and sense of values. The course provides theoretical grounding on learning and teaching of primary science. It is designed to improve your content understanding of physical and life science concepts at the same time develop pedagogical content knowledge to teach science meaningfully that is consistent with the nature of science and the goal of science education . As such, pre-service teachers will be engaged in activity-based learning and problem solving activities to learn science concepts that will model to them some of the many strategies for teaching those concepts to children in primary schools

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: Enrolled in B.Ed. (Primary) programme.

Credit Point: 15

Offered In: Semester 2