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Unit Code: DCA402

Unit Name: Entrepreneurship and Ethics

Description: This course provides a pathway for students pursuing certificates in the trades, in Creative Arts and Sports Science, to take up an opportunity to seek and create entrepreneurial activities which will provide a pathway to setting up small businesses in their respective chosen fields. At the end of this course, students will be well versed with the basics of entrepreneurship and have developed a fully-fledged business proposal. This course also introduces fundamental theories, approaches and principles that frame our popular understanding of what is \\\'right\\\' and what is \\\'wrong\\\' in society today, and will introduce you to the study of ethics which is a system of moral principles which affect how people make decisions and lead their lives.

Learning Target Outcomes:

Prerequisite: N/A

Prerequisite Sentence: All students MUST be enrolled in any of the Certificate III programmes in CHE. As a core of all Certificate III programmes, attendance is mandatory.

Credit Point: 12

Offered In: Semester 2