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Unit Code: CHM805

Unit Name: Photo-electrochemistry and Photo-catalysis

Description: This course will provivide advanced concepts central to the study of solar photon conversion and photo catalytic system for waste treatment and industrial processes. It the recent years photo electrochemical systems on the one hand promise highly efficient photovoitaic and photo electrochemical cells with sophisticatedarchitectures and on the one hand, plastic photovoltaic coatings that are inexpensive enough to be disposable. Topics include fundamental of light-induced exciton generation, junction architectures that lead to efficient excition dissociation, and charge collection by percolation through mesoscale phases and light-stimulated, water detoxification, advanced oxidation processes and photo-catalyzed environmental cleaning. Laboratory/Project component will include hands on training in the fabrication of such devices and evaluation of photovoltaic characteristics, and homogeneous and heterogeneous photo catalyzed degradation of different polluting chemical agents generally present in waste water coming out from the industries.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to : a) Develop an understanding of basic concepts in photochemistry b) Develop an understanding of photosensitization reactions. c) Develop an understanding of basic concepts in photoelectrochemistry d) Apply the principles of dye photosensitization to semiconductor photovoltaic applications. e) Critically analyze dye and semiconductor theoretical parameters in the experimental design of molecular photovoltaics. f) Critically analyze experimental findings in photocatalysis to draw appropriate and defensible conclusions. g) Think critically about the extent and complexity of experiment design inherent in applying photocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry. h) Evaluate and analyze experimental findings. i) Describe the fundamental aspects of and develop a general protocol for the scientific experiment. j) Integrate and apply the theoretical principles to solve environmental problems in the laboratory and industrial settings. k) Summarize and present the work in a related area before colleagues with the same or higher level of knowledge.

Prerequisite: CHM701, CHM707

Prerequisite Sentence: or equivalent unit

Credit Point: 20

Offered In: Semester 1,2