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Unit Code: CHM804

Unit Name: Topics in Advanced Inorganic and Organic Materials

Description: Modern materials are all pervasive and cover every aspect of human activity. This course would highlight some of the areas of materials chemistry research that are being actively pursued by chemists, chemical engineers and materials scientists worldwide. It would equip students with the fundamental knowledge and understanding of thr subject to undertake research, development, modification, application of new materials, filled with exciting opportunities. Major topics include conducting polymers, mplecular magnets, polymer eletrolytes, nano-structured materials, biomaterials and composites and their methods of synthesis and study.

Learning Target Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, students will be able to : a) Understand the chemical constitution of electron and ion-conducting polymers. b) Understand the chemical constitution of nanostructured and nanoporous materials c) Understand the chemical constitution of hybrid polymers and composites. d) Explain and describe methods for synthesis of conducting, nanostructured and composite materials. e) Explain and describe the chemical and physical properties of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers and composites. f) Understand and describe methods for structural analysis of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers and composites. g) Analyse structural relationships between solid materials. h) Analyze the relationship between atomic structure and properties in solid materials. i) Investigate the chemical and structural factors responsible for the unique nature of polymers and composites. j) Understand recent trends in developing new materials for industrial use. k) Summarize and present the work in related areas before colleagues have the same or higher level of knowledge.

Prerequisite: CHM704, CHM707

Prerequisite Sentence: or work experience in a related area

Credit Point: 20

Offered In: Semester 1,2