Programme Name Ethics and Anti-Corruption in Oceania
Programme Description
Corruption is a serious crime that remains a key obstacle to achieving sustainable development and overcoming poverty. Its most destructive effects are seen in developing countries that lack strong governance institutions. This short course meets a crucial need to raise awareness and build capacity in dealing with these issues. It will meet SDG Goal 16 on promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions.
Majors Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Minimum Requirement
The Ethics and Anti-corruption in Oceania (EACO) are directed toward those who completed the Fiji Year 11 Certificate Examination (Form 5) and above as well as individuals working in CSOs, NGOs, and Government agencies, that have an interest in learning about issues of corruption and anti-corruption.
Programme Type Certificate
Credit Points Required 10
Duration 1 Year
Estimated Tution Fees - Local (FJD) $237.00
Estimated Tution Fees - Regional $331.00
Note '
Programme Structure
ModuleUnit CodeUnit NameCredit Points
1EACO411Ethics, Values and Integrity2
2EACO412Ethical Theories2
3EACO413Corruption in Oceania2
4EACO414Anti-Corruption Agencies2
5EACO415Practical Case Studies of Corruption in Fiji and the Pacific2
Programme Fee
Local$237.00 FJD
Regional$331.00 FJD
International$610.00 FJD