22nd February
Are you passionate about ocean governance? What about Tuna Management in the Pacific? Come and dialogue with us as we listen to Vice-Chancellor of the Solomon Islands National University, Professor Transform Aqorau, this Thursday at our VC Leadership Seminar Series in Nasinu Campus. Zoom Link: https://fijinationaluniversity.zoom.us/j/84260472105 Meeting ID: 842 6047 2105
9th February
Join us in extending a warm welcome to our College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Regional Students next week Friday, 9th February 2024, at the Pasifika Auditorium, Pasifika Campus. The event is from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Let us celebrate diversity and embrace the spirit of unity.
5th February
Mark the date for your College’s Orientation Programme next week – where dreams take flight and friendships begin. Get ready to be inspired, make connections, and kickstart your academic adventure!