Press Release Posted On: February 3, 2021

World Cancer Day, February 4, is an international awareness day led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to raise global interest and inspire action for a cancer-free future.

This year’s theme, “I am, and I will”, is an inspiring call to action urging for personal commitment and represents the power of individual action taken now which impacts our future.

“Cancer” is the term given to more than 100 diseases caused by the growth of abnormal cells in a person’s body. According to data from the Fiji Ministry of Health, cancer has become a global epidemic and has become the third most common cause of death in Fiji. Also, for Fiji, leading cancers for men have been lung and prostate while for women breast and cancer of the cervix have topped the list.

As cancer is a significantly complex group of diseases, it is nonetheless a non-communicable disease, which means its origins and risk factors are significantly attributed to one’s lifestyle.

This year’s theme aims to highlight the correlation between healthy lifestyle choices and the ongoing battle to prevent and reduce the risk of cancer affecting an individual.

While there are certain factors beyond a person’s control which contributes to the causation of cancer, many factors do remain within one’s control.

Such positive lifestyle choices one may make which reduces their risk of cancer includes maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding smoking (both first and second-hand), being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight, reducing and moderating alcohol consumption, and keeping up to date with vaccinations and immunizations.

Together, all our actions matter.

For 2021 – the ultimate year of the ‘I Am and I Will’ campaign – emphasised our actions have an impact on everyone around us, within our families, neighbourhoods and communities. More than ever, our actions are also being felt across borders and oceans. This year is a reminder of the lasting power of collaboration and collective action. When we choose to come together, we can achieve a healthier, positive world that is cancer-free.


Dr Odille Chang,

Head of School Medical Science,

College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences,

Fiji National University.