Teachers can enrol for FNU’s Bachelor of Education Secondary (In-service) programme to upgrade qualifications

Press Release Posted On: June 15, 2021

Devina Singh

Devina Singh is passionate about teaching and knows the importance of being creative and simplifying complex concepts, so students enjoy learning and become creative thinkers. So to be on par with the current education methodologies, improve her skill set and strengthen her subject specialisation knowledge, Singh opted to enrol at Fiji National University (FNU) to further her studies.

The thirty-one-year-old enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary-English/Hindi – In-service) programme offered through FNU’s College of Humanities and Education (CHE) at Natabua Campus, Lautoka. According to Singh, the programme will assist her in learning new knowledge and skills to face challenges and reformation in the education sphere.

After teaching for a decade with a Diploma in Education, Singh decided to upgrade her qualifications through FNU.

“This programme (Bachelor of Education Secondary – In-service) is excellent for teachers like me who need to upgrade their qualifications. It offers us an opportunity to strengthen our subject specialisation knowledge. I am confident that upskilling my teacher qualifications will enable me to learn new teaching methodologies which I can use in my daily teaching,” she said.

“I specifically chose to study English and Hindi majors because I always had a keen interest in both subjects. I encourage students to take up this programme because there is various importance in learning English and Hindi. It creates job opportunities such as becoming a language teacher, working for newspaper and television companies by becoming a journalist. This would yield a lot of income as there is a high demand for English and Hindi in these fields. Not only job opportunities, but the Hindi language also provides an identity for Hindus, which each one of us should be proud of,” she highlighted.

Singh adds that having experience in teaching was a plus for her before returning to tertiary study to earn her Bachelor of Education.

“My transferrable skills from my previous teaching experiences have been honed, making my transition to University studies much smoother than I ever have anticipated. As a mature student, I was enthusiastic about returning to study. The staff at FNU are very approachable, and in my learning journey, they have supported me academically and emotionally as well.”

Singh is encouraging current teachers to take advantage of the Bachelor of Education (Secondary In-service) programme offered by FNU in Semester II to learn more about the evolving education paradigm.

“The educational landscape has changed considerably as a result of the impending health crisis. We as teachers need to prepare ourselves for the ever-changing education landscape to improve outcomes for our students. Also, the demand for quality education has increased; teachers must improve their lesson presentation to be on par with what is expected.”

Interested students can visit the FNU website on www.fnu.ac.fj  to learn more. Enrolment for Semester II, 2021 is currently underway.

Prospective students can also text on 857 or email on admission@fnu.ac.fj if they face difficulties completing the process online or need further information on enrolment.