Sharma, A Senior Systems Administrator

Press Release Posted On: March 30, 2020

Vishwa Jeet Sharma, a Senior Systems Administrator at CJ Patel & Co Ltd attributes the industrial attachment component of Fiji National University (FNU) programmes as a key factor in securing his dream career.

“In August 2015, I started my industrial attachment which is a compulsory requirement to graduate at the FNU,” said Sharma.

“The attachment was very practical and I learnt a lot. I had the chance to work with all the 13 subsidiary companies of CJ Patel, namely, Fiji Dairy Limited, Viti Foods Limited, Southern Cross Foods Limited, Pacific Batteries Limited, Alfa Limited, Macquarie Travelworld and others.”

After completing his six months of practical work, Sharma was offered full-time employment as an IT Support Technician by the company, which he accepted.

He worked on that position for one year before being promoted to System Administrator. Eight months later, he was promoted to Senior System Administrator – a position he currently holds.

“I chose to study at FNU as it was affordable and very close to home, but I didn’t know the immense benefits of doing Industrial attachment,” he added.

“As a Senior System Administrator, my responsibilities are to ensure that the server and network administration and support are fully operational so that all work is carried out efficiently for C J Patel & Co and all its 13 subsidiary companies to continue their daily operations,” shared Sharma.

As a child, Sharma had a keen interest in computers and receiving one as a primary school student had a major boost in his interest.

“I had my first computer when I was in Year Eight. My parents would always find me on it. I would be on it for hours exploring what it had to offer. I would watch documentaries on television about how computers were used to do little things such as open and shut doors to bigger things like assisting in the smooth running of businesses,” shared Vishwa.

As he grew older, he realised that he could pursue interests in different fields of computing, from repairing it to programming.  Universities largely offered two majors in Computing which were, Computer Science (CS) and Information System (IS), and after researching both disciplines, he decided that his interest was inclined towards IS.

After completing his high school education, Sharma started on his dream career path, enrolling in the Bachelor of Commerce (Information System and Management) programme at FNU’s College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies (CBHTS).

“Information system focuses on how to apply technology to business, which is why I decided to couple it with management to give me a greater perspective. I knew it was going to be an exciting journey,” he stated.

“I am glad that I chose to study at FNU as the lecturers were well equipped with industry experience and had been working in private sectors before joining the university.”

“I enjoy troubleshooting and resolving issues that arise and sometimes it’s challenging as there are new technologies that keep coming in the market and new issues arise,” added Sharma.

Sharma continued his studies as a part-time student, and finally completed his Bachelor of Commerce (Information System and Management) programme in 2019.

He also shared his top three tips for graduates starting in their career, “Have self-confidence; communicate – if you don’t know anything ask and learn; and, be a team player for success.”

Sharma was part of the first graduation ceremony in 2020 which is also the University’s 10th anniversary year.

Vishwa Sharma