Know the issue – Lal

Press Release Posted On: October 30, 2020

Labasa Campus staff during the Pinktober launch.

Fiji National University’s (FNU) Labasa Campus was decked out in pink throughout October as students and staff marked breast cancer awareness month, participating in a series of awareness activities.

Head of Campus, Pardeep Lal said the campaign was inclusive as it was everyone’s responsibility to ensure they were aware and educated on the issues surrounding breast cancer and its symptoms and treatment.

“We all should know about this issue because even though we may not be the person affected, we all know a loved one who is. So what we can do is be educated so that we can support them through their treatments or even motivate women from the start to go for screenings etc.,” said Lal.

“When you know the issue, you will know how to deal with it efficiently and offer help in the appropriate manner and time.”

The awareness month commenced with a talk session where cancer survivors spoke on their experience and treatment journeys.

“There is nothing more impactful than hearing from people who have dealt with the issue first-hand, and we were honoured to have survivors share with us,” shared Lal.

“There was also opportunities given to the family of the survivors to speak, and one notable speaker was the husband of a survivor who spoke about the importance of family and community support and how it uplifts not just the patients, but their partners and children as well.”

“This is a serious issue because statistics have shown that every year, there are new cases,” he added.

The team members organised blood drives and breast cancer screenings for both males and females for students and staff with collection tins for donations, and the amount collected will be handed over to the Fiji Cancer Society.

A poster competition on the breast cancer theme ‘Give Hope, Save Lives’ was also conducted for the students.