Graduates play a pivotal role in ensuring sustainable development- Honorable Vosarogo

Press Release Posted On: December 15, 2023

The Honourable Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources, Filimoni Vosarogo challenged graduating students at the Fiji National University of their pivotal role in the continued growth of sustainable development in the nation’s development.

Honourable Vosarogo graced the second session of FNU’s graduation ceremony as the guest of honour that saw a total of 493 graduates from the Colleges of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies (CBHTS) and the College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (CAFF).

“The fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and business, hospitality and tourism are not just industries beyond your learning, they are pillars that sustain our nation’s economy and uphold our cultural heritage. Your expertise and innovative ideas are crucial for the continued growth of sustainable development experienced in our national development today”, Honourable Vosarogo said.

“Whether you study the intricacies of agriculture or the depth of fisheries, the complexities of business or the enthusiasm of hospitality and tourism, your education is meant to equip you with the tools to ensure that you make a meaningful impact and contribution not only to yourselves, to your family, your loved ones, your community and ultimately to your nation.

“This day marks a critical point of transition in your individual lives as you step out of the academic halls of colleges into the world beyond. As you take this step, I urge you to carry forward the knowledge and experience gained during your time at the Fiji National University.”

FNU’s Chancellor and Council Chair Semesa Karavaki stressed to students their roles in society post-graduation.

“You are not just graduates; you are ambassadors of FNU, “Karavaki said.

“Every time you face difficulties or challenges, you must remember how far you have come in your academic journey, and we are proud that we, the FNU family, have transformed you into a better person.”

Upon delivering the graduates’ charge, FNU Vice-Chancellor Professor Unaisi Nabobo-Baba challenged graduates to use their knowledge for the advancement of society.

“The award of our university degree carries many privileges, but like all privileges, you have responsibilities as well. As graduates of FNU I challenge you, to use what you learn for the advancement of your communities, and families, for you, the world waits for you,” Professor Nabobo-Baba stressed.

“I urge you to use everything you know, your skills with rigour and integrity. Commit yourselves to a schedule of continuous learning. Knowledge is always a step ahead”.

Bachelor of Science in Forestry graduate Timaima Sigaruarua spoke of the contribution forestry has towards sustainable development and mitigating the effects of climate change.

“Forestry in the Pacific is growing, due to the unfortunate effects of climate change. Specialised foresters and conservation scientists are needed worldwide to mitigate the effects of climate change,” said the 33-year-old.

“I selected forestry studies because it is a relatively new curriculum at tertiary level when I first joined the University, and given the global interest in climate change, I think forestry will be in demand as a profession eventually”.

She added women’s involvement in forestry in Fiji was rare, hence her taking on the programme to pave the way for other women to follow.