FNU Staff Honor International Mother Language Day

Press Release Posted On: March 7, 2024

Staff of the Fiji National University’s College of Humanities and Education following the International Mother Language Day celebration.

Staff of the Fiji National University’s (FNU) Natabua Campus in Lautoka gathered to commemorate the true meaning of International Mother Language Day.

This was led by the FNU’s College of Humanities and Education (CHE), School of Communication, Language and Literature (SCLL).

Staff and students were part of a panel discussion on the topic ‘Multilingual Education As A Key Component of Quality Learning’, and also presentations spoken in iTaukei, Fiji Hindi, Urdu, Rotuman, and Tamil languages.

Students under the Fiji National University’s College of Humanities and Education during the celebration of International Mother Language Day at Natabua Campus.

Acting Head of Department, Language and Literature, Assistant Professor, Dr Subashni Kumar said it was significant to note that multilingual and multicultural societies existed through languages which transmitted and preserved traditional knowledge and cultures in a sustainable way.

“Hence students and colleagues, our main purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness and preservation of language and cultural diversity around us, so that we work closely with the community to preserve and respect the differences in cultures and languages,” she said.

During the panel discussion, Head of School, School of Education, Assistant Professor in Education, Dr Sofia Ali highlighted that through exposure to diverse languages, students not only enhance cognitive abilities but also foster cultural understanding.

“Inclusive learning environments emerge, where linguistic diversity becomes a strength rather than a barrier,” said Dr Ali.

“As languages serve as vessels for wisdom and stories, they facilitate communication between different age groups. The preservation of linguistic diversity becomes intertwined with the preservation of traditional knowledge and shared identities.

“As we move forward, let us collectively commit to unlocking the multilingual magic that enriches minds, bridges generations, and paves the way for a brighter educational future.”

Head of Campus, Natabua, Perry Gabriel reminded every individual to value their mother language.

Head of Campus, Natabua, Perry Gabriel.

“Value your mother tongue and use it proudly to promote your own identity. If you lose your mother tongue, it is like losing a battle,” he said.