Friends, Selwyn Leo (closest to camera) and Joe Buleuru at the FNU Namaka Campus
Travelling many kilometres away from their homeland in the Korman Area in Port Vila, Vanuatu was the sacrifice two friends had to make to pursue their dream of becoming engineers.
Selwyn Leo and Joe Buleuru are currently enrolled in the Fiji National University’s engineering programmes, where Leo is pursuing a Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Mechanical) (Level 4) while Buleuru has joined the Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (Avionics) (Level 4) programme.
Fiji will become their home for the next three years away from their families and friends.
“We are here to study hard and make our families proud. Our programme will last for three years so we are not sure whether we will return home during that period or wait till we graduate,” said Buleuru.
“Our main aim is to complete our studies, and also I aim to secure my aircraft maintenance license.”
Being raised by his father, Buleuru also has a goal to make him proud.
His mother passed away in the year 2022.
“I am grateful to FNU because it is helping me achieve my dream of becoming an engineer,” he added.
Leo, arriving in Fiji for the first time, shared that his family had mixed emotions when he departed the shores of Vanuatu.
He highlighted that it was always his dream to be in engineering.
“Ever since I was a child, I wanted to do this programme, so when I saw the opportunity offered by FNU, I took the chance,” he said.
“My goal is to go back and give back to the people of Vanuatu.”