FNU drives towards a greener future

Press Release Posted On: December 4, 2023

— Fiji National University and Leaf Capital Pte Ltd at the contract signing last week.

The Fiji National University (FNU) has signed a contract with Leaf Capital (Pte) Limited for an electric vehicle that could contribute to the University’s sustainability commitments in achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

The strategic alliance underscores FNU’s proactive commitment to adopting eco-friendly technologies to diminish its carbon footprint. Through the integration of an electric vehicle into its operational fleet, FNU aims to establish a precedent for sustainable practices within the academic domain.

FNU Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching, Dr Jimaima Lako said the event marked a turning point in the University’s commitment to the environment, innovation, and progress.

“As a higher education institution, we play a key role in advocating sustainability and our commitment as a University is to work towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” Dr Lako said.

“By signing this contract, we are acknowledging the importance of sustainable transportation in addressing the global challenges of our time. We are making a bold statement that we are dedicated to leading by example.”

“With this partnership between Fiji National University and Leaf Capital Pte Ltd, we are taking a decisive step towards reducing our carbon footprint and embracing a more sustainable, efficient, and cleaner way to travel. Over the lifetime of an electric vehicle, including manufacturing and operation, the carbon emissions are generally lower compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, especially as the electricity grid becomes cleaner over time.”

Leaf Capital (Pte) Limited Director Alex Reddaway said he extended his appreciation to FNU for being a trailblazer, for choosing sustainability, and for recognising the urgency of green solutions.

“Today’s occasion is particularly special as we deliver the first electric minibus to Fiji National University, a tangible step towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future,” he said.

Leaf Capital Pte Ltd Director Alex Reddaway taking the FNU representatives on a ride in the electric vehicle.

“Transportation is a significant contributor to global carbon emissions, and Leaf Capital firmly believes that collective action is key to making a substantial impact. We encourage other companies to take a cue from Fiji National University and join us in adopting electric vehicles and helping us grow the country’s charging networks. Let us champion sustainability, embrace green technologies, and contribute to the global effort to reduce emissions together.”

FNU’s Division of Capital Project and Infrastructure Director, Niranjwan Chettiar said the contract signing represented more than just a business deal.

“It is a testament to our commitment to environmental conservation and a sustainable future,” Chettiar said.

“We are excited to be a part of this change, and we are eager to contribute to a cleaner, more eco-friendly world by adopting electric vehicles.”