Explore tourism and hospitality programmes during the FNU Open Day

Press Release Posted On: October 6, 2023

Twenty-year-old Jaynesh Prasad describes his student journey at FNU as rewarding and has encouraged interested students to visit the FNU 2023 Open Day venues early next month to learn more about the opportunities available for learning and research at the University.

Prasad is pursuing a Bachelor of Hospitality in Hotel Management at the University’s College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies (CBHTS).

“It is an exciting opportunity for everyone interested in studying or upskilling their studies at the Fiji National University,” Prasad said.

“My journey with FNU has been very rewarding, and I get to learn new skills that will assist in my employment. The lecturers and instructors are very friendly, and they always guide students at every step.”

Jaynesh Prasad

Prasad was part of a group of students from the College who recently competed in the National Training and Productivity Centre’s (NTPC) 2023 Hospitality Art Fair Awards and Cocktail Night in the Hair and Beauty, Bed-Making, Cocktail Mixing, Baking and Patisserie, Culinary Skills, and Masterclass categories.

“This is my second year in the Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and I would like to motivate the other students and encourage them to participate in the cocktail competitions in the future,” he said.

Another student, Malakai Rokotakala, who is enrolled in the Diploma in Culinary Arts, said the programmes offered by FNU benefits the students a lot.

“I plan to work in the tourism industry, and I am into cookery, but I have a passion for working in a bar as I work for O’Reilly’s Bar, and I am learning as much as possible,” he said.

“For the Open Day, I am planning to showcase my talent to our visitors, who will be coming to know more about the programmes and courses.”

Malakai Rokotakala

CBHTS Head of School of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Amar Narayan, said FNU will continue to produce highly qualified graduates.

“FNU has been renowned for producing a number of graduates who go on to work in the tourism sector, which is the major revenue generator for Fiji. They are taught by our best people, who have qualifications and experience working in the industry,” Narayan said.

“Jayesh and Malakai are skilled students and have proven that in the competition with the other students.

“For those of the students who are interested in pursuing their studies, they can come and meet us during the Open Day, and we will be able to guide them further.”

The FNU 2023 Open Day will be held at the Naduna Campus, Labasa, from October 5-6, Nasinu Campus, Suva, from October 6-7, Namaka Campus, Nadi and Natabua Campus in Lautoka on October 6.

Prospective students and those interested can stay updated regarding the FNU 2023 Open Day by following the University’s FNU website and the official social media platforms on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.