The Centre for Flexible & E-Learning (CFEL) engaged a Volunteer Learning Technologist for the 2-week school break from 23rd April to 3rd May. With guidance from the Associate Dean Flexible & E-Learning, Dr. Hazelman and his team, the Volunteer Mr. Tomasi Lakeba was able to understand E-Learning as a way to promote and enhance accessibility to quality education. Tomasi, a School Principal, learnt about the modes of course delivery at FNU, the Learning Management System (Moodle) and multimedia courseware development which was a focal point of his engagement with the team at CFEL. This talent acquisition initiative suggested by Pro Vice Chancellor Learning & Teaching Professor Pounder, was a good opportunity for qualified people such as Tomasi to be trained by experienced Learning Technologist’s and to immerse themselves in the day to day rigours of blended and online course development. Tomasi has a Master of Arts in Education from Japan, with his thesis focusing on Digital Literacy. “Materials and content have to be meticulously scrutinised before implementation”, Mr. Lakeba observed of his time at CFEL. Tomasi also witnessed a high level of professionalism among the team members and a conducive working environment at the Centre which contributed to his enjoyable professional development. He wished to thank Dr. Hazelman and his team in what he described as, “a rare opportunity to experience being a Learning Technologist”. The Centre hoped to explore more of such engagements in the future as the field of educational technology in our region provided few opportunities for suitably qualified people out there to engage in flexible learning development.